Sunday, April 29, 2007

"Dream can change, but Love is forever"

Pacaran itu suatu hal yang mengesankan
dan harus dipertahankan jika memang

Seperti kata kata berikut,

CiNTA tak pernah akan begitu indah,
jika tanpa persahabatan. ....
yang satu selalu menjadi penyebab yang
lain dan prosesnya... adalah

Seorang pecinta yang terbaik adalah
sahabat yang terhebat.
Jika kamu mencintai seseorang, jangan
berharap bahwa seseorang itu akan
kamu persis sebaliknya dalam kapasitas
yang sama.

Satu diantara kalian akan memberikan
lebih, yang lain akan dirasa kurang.
Begitu juga dalam kasus kamu yang
mencari, dan yang lain akan menanti.

Jangan pernah takut untuk jatuh cinta.
Mungkin akan begitu menyakitkan, dan
mungkin akan menyebabkan kamu sakit
dan menderita.
Tapi jika kamu tidak mengikuti kata
hati, pada akhirnya kamu akan menangis
jauh lebih
pedih... karena saat itu menyadari
bahwa kamu tidak pernah memberi....

Cinta itu sebuah jalan.
Cinta bukan sekedar perasaan, tapi
sebuah komitmen.
Perasaan bisa datang dan pergi begitu
Cinta tak harus berakhir bahagia,
karena cinta TiDAK HARUS berakhir

Cinta sejati mendengar apa yang tidak
dikatakan dan mengerti apa yang tidak
sebab cinta tidak datang dari bibir
dan lidah atau pikiran... melainkan
dari HATI.

Ketika kamu mencintai, jangan
mengharapkan apapun sebagai imbalan,
karena jika kamu
demikian, kamu bukan mencintai,
melainkan investasi.

Jika kamu mencintai, kamu harus siap
untuk menerima penderitaan.
Karena jika kamu mengharap
kebahagiaan, kamu bukan
mencintai... .melainkan memanfaatkan.

Lebih baik kehilangan harga diri dan
egomu bersama seseorang yang kamu
dari pada kehilangan seseorang yang
kamu cintai karena egomu yang tak
berguna itu..

Bagaimana aku akan berkata "SELAMAT
TINGGAL ".... kepada
seseorang yang tidak pernah aku
miliki ??

Kenapa tetes air mata jatuh demi
seseorang yang tidak pernah menjadi
kepunyaanku ??
Kenapa aku merindukan seseorang yang
tidak pernah bersamaku dan kubertanya,
Kenapa aku mencintai seseorang yang
cintanya tidak pernah untukku ??

Sangat sulit bagi dua orang yang
mencintai satu sama lain ketika mereka
tinggal dalam dua dunia yang
berbeda..... .....
Tapi ketika kedua dunia ini melebur
dan menjadi satu, itulah yang disebut

Jangan mencintai seseorang seperti
bunga karena bunga mati kala musim
Cintailah mereka seperti angin, sebab
angin bertiup selamanya... .....

Cinta mungkin akan meninggalkan hatimu
bagaikan kepingan2 kaca, tapi tancapkan
dalam pikiranmu, bahwa ada seseorang
yang akan bersedia untuk menambal
dengan mengumpulkan kembali pecahan-
pecahan kaca itu sehingga kamu akan
menjadi utuh kembali..... .

"Dream can change, but Love is forever"

LoVe Or LiKe ???
Don't EVER leave the one you love for
the one you like because the one you
like will leave you for the one they

Friday, April 27, 2007

One Wish

If I could have just one wish,
I would wish to wake up everyday
to the sound of your breath on my neck,
the warmth of your lips on my cheek,
the touch of your fingers on my skin,
and the feel of your heart beating with mine...
Knowing that I could never find that feeling
with anyone other than you...

Thursday, April 26, 2007

LoVe fOr yOu bUt pAiN fOr mE

It is for you i live, sealing up my mouth....
telling nothing...
though many things are going on in my heart.....
it is for you i live, drinking every tears shed....
but in the heart, the fire still burns.....for love....for you....
life has brought the past stories back again.....
without asking me, you've left me...
leaving footprints behind.....
you walked happily.....lovingly...
but i was there at the back of you....
following your footsteps....
and taking that every step you made....
collecting it and keeping it.....
but you didn't notice.....
what i wanted, what have i got......
what can i say bout what the world has done to me.....
it was a punishment for me to still live....
carrying all your burdens on me....for you....
all these i'm willing to go through.....
no matter how deep will the wound be....
coz i love's all for you...
my love, i live for you....
sealing up all my words....
telling nothing....
my life, i live for you....
drinking all the tears shed.....
you can see on my face....
hey my love, do you know what's going on inside my heart???? one knows....
people might be thinking how happy am i.....
but does anyone know what's going on in my heart....
every second of my life, i suffer....but it doesn't show on my face.....
if i ever had to leave.....
i'll leave with happiness and laughter and smile on everyone's face....
not tears....sadness....this is my promise......
i wonder now....what's going to happen to my future......
whom am i going to give everything i earn in future when i leave this world....
coz i dun have share with...
i'll be living alone....
if you will not be with me forever....
i'll give to everyone....
who'll burry or burn me????
god knows.....but all i know is.....
coz till my last breath....
i know....i've loved someone with all my heart....
will all my soul....with all my strength....
who was not mine......
coz till that very second....
i still love you....i only one....
whom i've ever loved in my life.....
i'll live my life....for you....

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Tagged layers by layers

Found from lynn

Name: kIno kElvIn
Birth Date: 200988
Current Status: sIngLe
Eye Colour: BLacK
Hair Colour: BlAcK
Righty or Lefty: RiGhT

My Heritage : ChIneSe
My Fears : dOn'w knOw
My Perfect Pizza : SeAfOoD.. CrAb cRaB cRaB....

My Thoughts First Waking Up : NaH?? jOggInG ?
My Bedtime : aFteR 2a.m.... sTilL can'T chAngE
My Most Missed Memory: mY sEcOndaRy LifE & mY bAobEi

Pepsi or Coke: PePsI ?
McDonald's or Burger King: McD, 'cos I LiKe mCfLuRrY
Single or Group Dates: GrOuP
Adidas or Nike: AdIdaS-- dOn'T aSk mE wHy
Tea or Nestea: NEsTeA
Chocolate or Vanilla: VaNiLLa
Cappuccino or Coffee: CaPpuCcinO

Smoke: nO.
Curse: nO.
Take a Shower: yEs.. EvErYdAy oF my LifE
Have a Crush: yEa
Think You've Been In Love: I bELieVe sO
Go To School: YeS
Want To Get Married: Yes
Believe In Yourself: sOmeTiMes I dOubT
Think You're A Health Freak: oKlO

Drank Alcohol: yEa
Gone To The Mall : yEa.. I uSed tO lOve....
Been On Stage: yEs.. eVerYwEeK.. LOL
Eaten Sushi: yUcK...
Dyed Your Hair: yEs, WhIte, BroWn, pUrPle...bUt nW bLacK

Played A Stripping Game: nO !!
Changed Who You Were To Fit In: nOt eXaCtLy

To Be Married: 28-30? mAybE i Won'T ...

Best Eye Colour: BLaCk
Best Hair Colour: BLacK
Short Hair or Long Hair: sHorT

Best Eye Colour: bLAcK
Best Hair Colour: bLaCk
Short Hair or Long Hair: LoNg

A Minute Ago: cHatTinG
An Hour Ago: bAthIng, ShiTinG..
4.5 Hours Ago: zzZZzz
1 Month Ago: wOrKiNg, sIngIng, sTudYinG
1 Year Ago: mEt a gRoUp oF fRenS, wHo lOve GOD wIth pAsSioN aNd lOvE peOpLe wItH cOmpAssiOn

I love : mY GOD, mY famILy, My fRieNds, mIckEy, bAobEi, mY stUdEnTs....
I hate: pEopLe bReAk TheiR pRomIse
I hide: mYseLf wHen i Cry
I miss: mY fAmILy, mY kCh cHurcH, kCh fOoD
I need: tO sTudY aNd LeArn mOre aBt tHiS wOrlD

now its TAGGING TIME!!!!

The lucky souls are: kAr wAi, sInG jIaT, kAr HeNg, GaRy, Ai LiNg.... wakakaka

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Sweet suffering...

Please do not offer me too much of your care and concern,
I am afraid I cant control myself anymore,
Since we are not destined to be together...
Let's not be so close anymore...
coz I am afraid that i cant control my greediness...

The sweet suffering that was given to me,
I didn't realise it can be that painful..
Please leave my world...
Do not give me meaningless promises...
Do not bring me to my imaginary paradise...
knowing that eventually I will never achieve the sense of belonging...

Please stop thinking of me...
Please stop missing me...
I fear that I will be heavy-hearted..
I can be acting cool today,
thinking that i can control my emotions,
but only to find out that you are every corner of my mind...

I thought it will be better rather to start nor to end...
But indeed, I am already falling for you...
The closer I am to you,
the more I see you,
the more i hear from you,
the more pain I endure....

The sweet suffering that was given to me took away my soul..
After working so hard understanding this feeling,
only to realise that I am being haunted by nightmares and woke up crying every night...
I really find it hard....
to ask you to forget me...

coz.. I can't forget you...

Friday, April 20, 2007


There's a bottle.. that collects all my tears and sadness..
He is the only one... who knw how much tears i've shed
Who knw how hurt am i...

I thought the opposite of a world filled with black and white is a world bursting with colours like rainbow
Everytime, i wish i can find my rainbow after the rain

An angel drew a scar in my heart
But yet i unsure this is an angel for me?
Or this is an angel who appear to be devil
Would angel turn into devil after sometimes?

I also thought there's a happiness in front of me..
I search... I wish... I hope...
The secrect gurdian angel....

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Thank You

Thank you notes are an important part of every day etiquette that has seemed to have fallen by the wayside for many people in these modern times. Some people have reduced the traditional thank you card to a phone call or even e-mail if they even remember to say thank you at all. Thank you notes serve other purposes than the expression of gratitude and a show of good manners. Thank you notes let the gift giver know that their gift has arrived and come unharmed and it also serves to let them know how much the gift was appreciated, especially if they were not there to witness the opening of the gift. Thank you notes also express whether the gift will be put to good use, especially if the gift was money. A gift of money should always be responded to with a thank you note which explains what the money will be used for. You may be at odds to know when it is appropriate to send a thank you note, the answer to that is that there is no wrong time to send one. Thank you notes are always appreciated and I can’t imagine someone being annoyed by receiving one.

When someone gives you a gift, they go to a lot of trouble, thinking about what gift to give, shopping for it, wrapping it, getting it to you. The small inconvenience of writing a card is really no inconvenience at all, but actually the least you can do to acknowledge such thoughtfulness. Events which deserve thank you notes every time include:

1. Any time a gift is received

2. After a job interview, even if you are not interested in taking the position

3. Any time someone does a huge favor for you

4. After visiting someone’s home when you spend one or more nights

Other events which deserve thank you’s but are not usually recognized are dinner parties or special outings where you have been treated such as a concert. Phone calls and e-mails can serve as acknowledgement but what they say about you is that you don’t appreciate the gift or event enough to spend a few minutes on a proper thank you. When we know that someone has truly appreciated what we have done for them, it makes us feel good about the gesture and gives a sense of satisfaction for making someone else happy. Thank you’s are truly important to fight off the growing sense of selfishness in the world around us, keep a box of them in your drawer and be generous with them!

Got few person i wan to gc my thanks for them...

  • My leader in kch~ Bin Bin Jie: if i do't have you in my life... i really don't knw where will i be... You are such a angel for me !!!

  • My leader in KL~

Sally Tan: Thanks for evrything and bring me closer to God when i first came to KL.

Laverne Chee: Thanks for your encouragement... Thanks for so care abt me...

  • Ah Bi~ Thanks for accompany me this 2 days.

  • Ah Pe~ Thanks for eveything

  • Sinjiat: Thanks for waking me up 2day.. hehe

  • My buddy

Kar Wai, David, Harry and Kar Heng for take care of me ever since i first step into KL...

Thanks a lot for u guys !!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Not quiet happy nw... i've been working whole day... and went to church after work... just reached home and got somebody asked me a very childish question... i think he knw the ans of the ques but what for he asked me again? sigh... nt happy with it la.... really... i really hate ppl ask me a question that i really don't knw how shud i ans...

Miss her again... She did say she miss me too today... but.. i think i rather things to be like this... I just can keep my missing as a secret in my heart... She happy and I enjoy this feeling oso... At least won't have any pressure between us.. Sometimes i really hope can see her... but it's imposible.. so what i can do is just keep myself busy.... i think this is the better way to reduce my missing towards her...

Today really tired...
waiting for tomorrow...

Monday, April 16, 2007


Twinkle twinkle little star... How i wonder what you are..
I loves star since i was young...
I can stand outside my house in my hometown..
Look at the sky above and searched for stars...
One, Two, Three, Four, Five..... Tens..

But ever since i came to KL...
I left them at my hometown..
They never followed me to where I am again...
They told me it's time to let me learn about this world...
No longer one, two, three or four.... anymore
But A, B, C, D and E....

I started to learn.. started to sing.. started to write...
I started to learn how to behave like a star...
Like the stars that used to company me...

Is it called guardian star?
Is that anyone hv their own guardian star?

She told me that she was thinking abt her guardian star...
Both of us chat abt angel and devil... haha...
she ask me whether she is an angel or a devil?
so random la.. ngek ngek ngek....
Of cause i hope that she will always be my angel
But sometimes we hv to accept the fact...

I knw you worried abt me la...
Don't worry, I'm ok...
Thanks for your companion..

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Miss you...

Well... a lonely sunday night for me....
Missing someone....
Can't forget the touch and love of us....
Stars keep shining in the sky...
Just like you in my heart...
Never stop
Never leave
With my breathe....
Every moment...

Just wanna tell you that I MISS YOU
I really do !

Happy Birthday =)

I hv learned a new tradision of how to conduct a birthday party !!!
Come on !!! Let's Parttyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy !!!!!!!!!!!
Yvonne Birthday !!!

Yvonne wishing....

Yvoone so Happy !!

Waffle with 5 scoops and a candle

wah.. so big...
Dirty Yvonne


eggs and flour

Crime scene

Real bday cake

Make a wish...

Yi Fen Birthday !!!!

Happy Birthday Yi Fen !!

Cute Cute Yi Fen...

Guss how many candles ?

Marvin !!!

KCH buddies

Choong Kar Wai Bithday !!!!

Random !

Kena egg n flour still very happy

Hang Fuk kau kau la

Cut Cut Cut !!!

David so ugly !!!

Happy Ending~

That's what friend are for...

Seriously... I'm not angry or lost my trust in you... Just that i don't have the confidence... even to be a normal friend of yours... coz you are my closest friend in church.. and i really don't like the feeling if i'm the last one who knw the truth... seriously im just scared... not that i don't trust in you... Im really proud that i knw u... at least i got a good friend to talk, to sarcastic and to fool...

Thanks God for putting every single friend of mine into my life... you guys are amazing !!!

Words for my friend ''If i have a ticket to paradise, but you don't have one, I would give u mine and stay here forever !!''

This is all my KL bUddIeS !!!!

All mY kCH bUdDies !!!

That's what friend are for !!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Friday 13th

Friday 13th...
is it a black firday?or freaky friday?lol...
but the only thing i knw is... i'm sick..\
pitty me =(

We are ONE

What a tired day for me today....
jam on the road alone...
no music... no radio.... just heard me talking to myself...
one, two, three, four, five......

Went to look for my cousin.. coz she just arrived kl this evening... that's wonderful feeling when i saw her... coz i don't have any relative here... it's tough to be alone here without any family... when i saw my cousin... it's like a feeling that saying to myself ''Wow... this is my family....finally i can see them !!'' haha... quiet happy to have dinner with her and her friend... and she ordered a lot of food !! oh my goodness... we got japanese food, italian food, indian food and western food... LOL... just like we travel through japan, italy, india, and america... haha...

Today i realised one thing... that's no matter where we are... what we are doing... Family member is the closer person for us... coz we flow the same blood... and we're having the same parent, grandparent.... sometimes maybe they did do sth or say sth that hurt our feeling... but it's always fine in the next day... coz.. no matter how... we are still the one... OnE fAmILy that attached with us forever....

Wednesday, April 11, 2007


Is it human will only appreciate something after they lost it? or they never realise that something was in their hand all this while? and they will only knw after something is gone....

I'm just received a msg from a special friend... or shud i said a msg from my ex.... i still remember... she is the one who asked me to stop bothering her last time... and gave me a thousand excuses.... i did ignore her msg just nw but guess what... she msg me again and said ''why u didn't reply me geh TT.... '' i admitted, i gt a little bit angry but suddenly i remembered God ask me to let go and forgive... so i replied her msg...

Well, she called me and chat with me around half an hour... her voice is still same... but my feeling is different... i really can't put myself into any relationship anymore... coz the only one i love is God... and i also don't dare to let myself being hurt by someone again... she told me that she really can't forget the touch and the things that i hd done for her.. bla bla bla... i really knw... i really knw that i did a lot of things and touch for her lastime... i used to waiting for her outside her school for 1 and half hour almost everyday... n bla bla bla... still remember it was her b'day that day... i went to fetch her like normal days... but suddenly... i lied to her that my car gt problem... then asked her to take some tools for me from my car boot while i'm pretending to check sth in front of my car... when she opened the boot... she saw a big card with a bouquet of flowers... it's a surprise for her from me... i feel that she was so touch of that... ok.. it was nt the end yet... the moment she got inside my car again... i was holding a heart shape's cake...and started to sing for her... tears came out from her eyes.. and i knw... this was love... this is the first time she got a surprise from a guy.. i really tot its meaningful for her... but.... ....

I started to learn how to let go...
Let go those who departed from our life...
Appreciate always come late...
But rash always come first...

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Today... miracle happen.. kakaka.. my buddy.. Mr. Choong Kar Wai ask us for jog this morning.... me and David tot he just say for fun only... coz he ask us to go for gym as well last year.. but we never make it... but u guess what... Mr. Choong Kar Wai wake us up at 6am in the morning... MIRACLE..... Kar Wai and David come and fetch me at around 6.30am and we went to Bukit Jalil ''moutain'' to complete our mission....
Congratulation Mr. Choong Kar Wai and two stupid buddy.
Just nw watched Ninja Turtle with David, Hanah and friends... u knw what... i slept in the cinema... i only knw the starting and the ending... and four turtle keep jump here and there.... LOL...

Today is quiet a tired day.. especially for me and David... but we knw that's sth waiting for us in front...
So Gambathe !!!!

Monday, April 9, 2007

Let go....

Easter just past.... TT... my church was pack with thousand and thousand people... praise the Lord.. a very touch drama and show us how JESUS hd die for us were prepared by my lovely church... i was very touch.. the moment the Roman's soldier hit Jesus.... my heart was like ''why you guys hit my father... why? what he did? pls stop it... please.........'' i keep holding back my tears but it just keep flowing... i realise there's a very deep love between me and Him, Jesus.... i admit.. i really cannot lost Him.. coz He is the only one... and no body can replace...

After this easter.. i only realise who is my heart and what my heart really think... i really never think of the truth in my heart.. who is the one i love the most... who the one i miss the most, ir who is the one i care the most......? But after i watch the drama and started to pray to God when i'm alone... only i realised... only i got the answer in my heart.... only i knw... who is the one i really love, who is the one i really care, who is the one i really miss... and i started to accept the fact... the realistic... coz God told me... left ur past behind... i really did accept those who are really gone.... was gone... just like what my pastor said.. Life is like an airport.. people arrived, people departed.... our past will never come bck again... and it will nvr happen again in our life time.. so God told me.. why not u just put down everything and start everything from zero again?i knw it's tough but i wanna learn how to let go.....

Thank you God for teaching me how to let go, teaching me how to forgive... im knw im unique in the name of JESUS...

This is the word that i really wanna tell myself.... ''Let go my behind, and start a new life...''
say goodbye to our past and say hello to our future....

Thursday, April 5, 2007

My Childhood......

Just finish my class.. but this time gt a bit different... coz i always the one who sit in the class and sleep, play. talk or 'sometime' will 'listen' to the teacher... but this time, im the one who standing in front and teach !! how lucky am i??? LOL.. recall back to when i was in primary school... running in the basketball court, love to stay back in my school for activities almost every afternoon... im still remember... im a red cresent member... lol... secondary school.... still behave like a good boy at first.... listen to teacher, drop all the notes that teachers gave... represent for some competition... but this atittude doesn't last long... im started to learn how to talk rubbish in class, skip class, give excuses to go out the class, ''answer'' teacher's question !! hehe... really fun for me and few of my 'gang', we never think of teacher's feeling while we scold back our teacher... coz we tot we really 'geng' !! i still remember my form 2 teacher's day.... we invited all the sesi petang teacher... but excluded our form teacher... LOL... this was hurt i think =( now.. i standing in front students.... just like i stand in front of 'before me' or 'future me'... some are gud... but gt some really wish i can slap them... LOL.. they did challenge me sometimes... lol... just standard 4?? wth ?? but some really respect me.. follow behind my back even i finish the class.... haha... maybe this is so called ''lap kasut'' my ex classmate used to say... lol... time really goes like flash... in a blink of an eyes, just like yesterday im the one who sit in the class as a student and today i stand infront the class as a teacher... being a student was fun... no worries.. no preasure.. the only things u hv to worry is just whether have u done ur homework or cut ur hair.... my kindergarden... my primary, my secondary... are far far left behind ... but i still miss... miss how early i wake up every morning... miss my uniform(i still keep it) hehe... miss sitting in the class and dreaming... but all this... really cannot happen to me again... it won't come back again... but just stay inside my heart... my memory... forever.....

If that was really love...

Everyone wants to find out
Who's the one love of their lives?
More so melancholy......
especially around midnight
Eyes dosed with heart unsettled
Because deep inside,
you know that was love.
If that was really love
Should have stayed before you turned away
Even with pain,
even with tears
The feelings remained after love was long gone
If that was really love
If I'd understood it when it happened
Would my life be any different?
Especially around midnight
When I think about the future
Can I be at peace with the present..
and ask myself what is love
If that was really love
Should have stayed before I turned away
Even with pain,
Even with tears...
Even with countless lonely nights
Love..why is it always clearer looking back?
Even with pain,
even with tears..
The feelings remained afterlove was long gone
Because such was love
Because such is love