Thursday, April 26, 2007

LoVe fOr yOu bUt pAiN fOr mE

It is for you i live, sealing up my mouth....
telling nothing...
though many things are going on in my heart.....
it is for you i live, drinking every tears shed....
but in the heart, the fire still burns.....for love....for you....
life has brought the past stories back again.....
without asking me, you've left me...
leaving footprints behind.....
you walked happily.....lovingly...
but i was there at the back of you....
following your footsteps....
and taking that every step you made....
collecting it and keeping it.....
but you didn't notice.....
what i wanted, what have i got......
what can i say bout what the world has done to me.....
it was a punishment for me to still live....
carrying all your burdens on me....for you....
all these i'm willing to go through.....
no matter how deep will the wound be....
coz i love's all for you...
my love, i live for you....
sealing up all my words....
telling nothing....
my life, i live for you....
drinking all the tears shed.....
you can see on my face....
hey my love, do you know what's going on inside my heart???? one knows....
people might be thinking how happy am i.....
but does anyone know what's going on in my heart....
every second of my life, i suffer....but it doesn't show on my face.....
if i ever had to leave.....
i'll leave with happiness and laughter and smile on everyone's face....
not tears....sadness....this is my promise......
i wonder now....what's going to happen to my future......
whom am i going to give everything i earn in future when i leave this world....
coz i dun have share with...
i'll be living alone....
if you will not be with me forever....
i'll give to everyone....
who'll burry or burn me????
god knows.....but all i know is.....
coz till my last breath....
i know....i've loved someone with all my heart....
will all my soul....with all my strength....
who was not mine......
coz till that very second....
i still love you....i only one....
whom i've ever loved in my life.....
i'll live my life....for you....

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